Categories: My Family's Car Life

Five things a woman should be aware of when on a road date with a car-loving man.

In the car, we can talk about things we wouldn't normally talk about.

When I am in the car, I feel like I can naturally talk about things that I normally can't talk about much. When we go on a long drive as a family, the children usually fall asleep on the way home, so my husband and I talk about many things during that time.

What's going on, changes in my mind, what's important to me now, work.... Somehow, it's more than just the two of us going out to eat.(If you have kids, you almost never get that chance these days.)I'm definitely more comfortable talking to you in a car.

I wondered if sitting side by side instead of facing each other and the small space made it easier to talk, so I went online and found many articles like this one.

■Hate me for my passenger-seat manners? 7 absolutely prohibited girls' behaviors on a driving date.
■Aim to be a passenger seat beauty during a drive date! The BEST 5 manners and 7 NG acts that will make your boyfriend like you more, explained from a man's point of view.
I don't like this kind of woman! 5 manners of the passenger seat that are detestable

Wow...girls in the world are reading and studying articles like this before a road trip date?

In the passenger seat, there's nothing but explosions.

My husband and I used to go for car rides before we were married, and basically I was the bomb the whole time. And when we got to our destination.I'm so glad you're here already. Wow, I slept well. Wow, I slept well.He was so tired on the way home that he immediately went to sleep.

In addition to the car, when my husband let me ride on the back of his motorcycle and we went touring together, the wind was so pleasant that, as expected, I fell asleep...not to the level of "rowing a boat".

She head-butted her husband's helmet from behind while he was driving.I don't know how you can sleep like that on a motorcycle.I was so taken aback that I never went motorcycle touring again....

When I think about it, it seems that since I have come to love cars, I seldom sleep in the passenger seat.(It's not completely gone.)

What is the content of the article you are interested in?

Now, I wondered what the online article had to say - so I took a quick look.

Items to prepare before getting into your boyfriend's car
Wet wipes
Gum or candy to help you sleep.
My boyfriend likes sweets and beverages.
The top 5 things a boyfriend who drives is happy to do to his girlfriend in the passenger seat.
1. they open your drink
2. praise driving technique
3. driving support
4. they care about your physical condition
5. they seem to be enjoying themselves
■7 acts to watch out for with your girlfriend in the passenger seat
1. interfere with the way you drive
2. be careful not to wear too much perfume
3. looking at the phone or making phone calls all the time
4. sleep
5. poor sitting posture
(6) Sudden loud voice, etc.
7. suddenly tells you he needs to go to the bathroom and is sleeping in the passenger seat
*Source: Be a Passenger Seat Beauty on a Drive Date! The BEST 5 manners and 7 NG acts that make your boyfriend more likable from a man's point of view.

I guess sleeping is bad...

How about that?

When I looked at the other articles in detail, there were many that said, "Oh, you care about that!" I found many articles like "Oh, you care about that?

When you don't open the lid or cork when you hand me a drink" (37 / Information/IT / Sales)
→If you want me to open the door, why don't you just say "open"?
∙ "Talking to me while I'm concentrating on driving" (38 yrs old / Medical and welfare / Others)
→Then why don't you go for a drive alone?
They don't check behind me when I back up" (22 yrs old / Others / Others)
→No, no, no. Let's do that basically on your own.
I'm lost and they don't want to do anything about it" (38 / Transportation/warehousing/sales and service).
→Then, "Can you look it up on Googlemap for me?" Wouldn't it be better to say, "Hey, can you look it up on Googlemaps?
When I take him for a ride in a scenic spot, but all he does is look at his phone" (35 / school/education related / office related professional)
→ Yes, that may be true.
I was not helped by her in paying the toll money" (37 / Metal, Steel, Chemical / Technical Worker)
→ No, no, no, 37 years old...get a grip.
Source: I don't like this kind of woman! 5 Unlikable Passenger-Seat Manners

...I wouldn't want to go on a date with a man who is such a pain in the ass."I wonder if it means that I don't match the average man in the world (-_-).

For a car date with a man who likes cars

But on second thought.Car dates with men who like cars."and'A date with a man who isn't particularly fond of cars and who uses them as his mode of transportation.'I feel that the points of consideration are very different between the two. In my case, my husband was a car enthusiast, and he might have rather enjoyed driving as much as he wanted if I had slept beside him...(I'm not sure that's too convenient.)

Just my opinion on what to watch out for when dating a man who likes cars.

1 Basically, I don't drink or eat in my car.
If they say, "Do you want a drink?" I'll have a drink with them if they ask, but I don't bring my own.
2 Close the door carefully.
I've been warned by my husband in a roundabout way when I slammed the door.
3 Wipe off dirt on the soles of shoes before putting them on.
If you go outside and get dirty, clean up any dirt before you ride.
4 Complimenting the car
No one feels bad about being praised for their car.
5 Listen with interest when the conversation turns to cars.
When someone says something like, "This car's engine is...," even if I don't understand it well, I ask, "Oh, I see, so what does this mean?" I actively ask.

I guess. But, basically, it's about consideration for the other person and"I value what the other person values."I think it is important to I have a lot to reflect on as I write this, so let's be conscious of it again starting today. w

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