Porsche Boxster

I made a video that shows the fun of driving a Porsche Boxster in manual.

I got to drive a Boxster.

The other day, he said, "I finally got to drive my manual Boxster GTS a bit.When I published an article titled, "I've finally made it this far! We are so close to getting on board!" I received congratulatory comments (?) like "You've finally made it this far! I received a lot of congratulatory comments (?) from various people.

I'm going to cancel my AT-only license.The Boxster GTS has been in our home for about three and a half years.Finally, finally, I was able to get here. However, it is still a long way to go, so we are going to drive on various roads to get to this point.I wish I could chew on more of the Boxster's awesomeness.I think.

Driving a manual car is accustomed

In the spring of this year, I took a leap of faith and bought myself a BMW 320i (MT) at the end of May, and thanks to the daily practice of driving it, I can now drive a 320i very normally without feeling particularly self-conscious. However

'Even if I could drive a BMW, a Boxster would be something else. It's going to be another six months from here before I can drive a Boxster."

I thought.

The other day, howeverI drove the Boxster for the first time in six months and found it to be more normal than I thought it would be.I was surprised to see that. And I used to think that "Very heavy!The clutch felt very light, and the shift lever, which I had been saying, "It doesn't go in at all! The shift lever, which I had been saying "It doesn't go in at all!

I guess I didn't have to get all defensive because it was a Porsche.In short, it's a matter of getting used to it.It was.

When it comes to this, "Why did I struggle so much with driving a manual car? Why did it take me three and a half years?It seems strange to me," he says (laughs).

I've long been a blog reader, and I'd like to share with you.

To be able to drive a manual car, you should buy a manual car that you can drive casually and practice."

I have often been advised to buy a manual car, and I have always thought, "I understand that, but in reality it is impossible.

But it was my blogging that got me serious about being able to drive a manual car.If I hadn't been blogging, I wouldn't be like this.I wonder. You never know what life has in store for you.

Boxster Driving Video

I wrote an article the other day about my Youtube debut, in which I said, "It took 50 hours to shoot a mere 7-minute video.I don't think I'll be able to post videos as often in the future," he wrote.In fact, the second video took about five hours to make.

I think the main reasons were that I got used to using the editing software, I started to grasp some of the editing points, and my husband made sure that the videos he shot did not show people's faces or license plates.

I guess I could give this one a week at a time.I'd like to post when I can, but if I set myself a task like this, I can imagine myself getting sick to do it, so I'd rather not set the pace and post when I can.

By the way, the second video is a touring video my husband recently did with GT3.

And the third video is from the other day when I got to drive my first Boxster. I really wanted to take a cool shot of the Boxster GTS and capture its coolness on video.I tried to include the couple's conversation while driving, and it turned out to be completely contrived.So...

This time we will call it "Boxster, Couple Contrast Version" and we will take another video of the cool Boxster at a later date.

Please take a look if you like. If you think, "I would like to see more videos like this!" If you think you would like to see more videos like this, please subscribe to our channel.(Because it motivates me very, very much)I'm glad to hear that (laughs). Thank you very much.

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