The important thing for buying a Porsche is to visualize the process of buying one!

Imagine the process rather than the goal.

Her husband is Atsuhiko Nakata of Oriental Radio's "YouTube UniversityI've been watching the "Mere Old Man" a lot. The other day, I was also

It's a convenient time... We can watch many valuable videos for free, learn from them, and watch them over and over again. It was unthinkable a decade ago.

and so on.

And recently, a YouTube University distributed a "The art of not putting it offHe said this after watching a video called

It is often said that "to be successful, it is important to visualize the goal as if you were successful," but it is even more important to visualize the process.
For example, if you wanted spaghetti with meat sauce and wanted to have "I was imagining myself eating spaghetti with meat sauce, and before I knew it, I was eating spaghetti with meat sauce!There is absolutely nothing like that.
If you really want to eat spaghetti with meat sauce, you need to be able to visualize the steps and ingredients to make spaghetti with meat sauce.
In the same way, it's important to imagine the goal, but it's more than that.Drawing a process to the goal.If you don't understand the process, look it up or ask.
When I heard that, I thought to myself, "Yes, that's true. Thinking back, it was the same when I wanted a Porsche in the past.

And. I see... my husband went on.

I had a vision of myself driving a Porsche, but more than that, I pictured myself driving a Porsche in the future, and then I thought, "In order to drive a Porsche in the future, I will probably become independent, and then my company's sales will be this big, and my annual income will be this much. Then I'll have a job like this, my family will be like this, and I'll have moved into a house where I can keep my car without any problems..." I had these kinds of things in my mind.
Of course, it started out as a ridiculously distant goal, and as we progressed, we found ourselves saying, "You know what?Oh, this approach is a little different from what I imagined.I sometimes thought, "I'm not sure I can do this. But I could correct the course each time, and as I went along, I could see the path to the goal clearly, and I think that's why I was able to reach the goal of buying a Porsche.

He said.

That's true... To make your dreams and goals come true, you can't just think about them...If we don't act toward it, there is no point.To that end, "theWhat to do firstI thought again that it is important to be able to see "what is the future" and to be able to continue to act in accordance with that image, sometimes making course corrections along the way.

Also, her husband was

In Ashiu, I was approached by a young man who asked me, "I want a Porsche, how can I buy one? I was asked by a young man, "I want to buy a Porsche.If you don't have a clear idea of what you need to do to buy a Porsche, working backwards and having a clear idea of the process, you will not achieve your buying goal.I think."
simplyDon't just buy a Porsche and imagine yourself driving it.Of course, that is important, too. Of course, that is important, too.
For example, if I wanted to buy a 911, I would ask myself "How much does it cost?", "How much money will it take to maintain it?", "Well, how much do I need to earn at my job?", "If my current job is not enough, should I take a promotion test, get a second job, change jobs?"... "Okay! Then I'll change jobs!" And so on... You can see the process and what you need to do.
."I can't believe I changed jobs just to get the car I want...I know some people will say, "I want to buy a Porsche," but if you really want one, you have to take that step, or you will never be able to afford a Porsche for the rest of your life.

He said. I see.

Are my goals and processes in line?

I started my own business when I was in my 20's and it didn't work out as well as I would have liked.(Although the company is still operating modestly.). And if you think about it, "Successful selfI had a clear picture of what the "project" was going to look like, and there were times when I was so excited that I could not sleep at night, but I had no idea of the process to get there.

So I went to all the senior managers who had taken their companies public or grown them from scratch and asked them to teach me, and I implemented their advice as much as I could, but I ran out of money, sales did not increase, I was lost, and I never achieved any of the goals I had set.

Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I'd have been able toI want to take my company public.or "I want to build a company with hundreds of employees.I had no idea what I was doing, but when I was implementing the advice of the amazing senior business leaders I met in the early days of my business, I guess the process was not at all aligned with my goals.(Why didn't I notice

I wanted to make spaghetti with meat sauce, but I desperately needed to practice how to make carbonara, and I said, "You know what?All this hard work and I can't make spaghetti with meat sauce!Let's just say that he was lamenting the fact that he had to leave....

However, the senior members still care about me and keep me updated on what's going on.I think the meeting at that time has become an asset for me.I feel that this is a good thing. I also feel that the next time I take on a challenge, I will be able to envision the process well, ask others for their opinions, and proceed steadily and steadily without rushing, so that I can increase the success rate.

Really, nothing in life is ever wasted.

Train your programming brain

This is a bit off topic, but my husband also had this to say about "visualizing the process".

The children have recently been "in theI want to be a ________ in the future.Or so I used to say. Until now, when I heard that, I thought, "Yeah! I could do that!He said, "So what do I have to do to make that happen?It seems to me that asking "What do you want to do?" will make it easier for children to draw the process to the goal.


I don't think it's about that... but my husband recently started teaching our oldest daughter, who is 7, programming games and(It's my husband's day job.)The oldest daughter seemed to be having quite a bit of fun with that game.

Programming is a process of breaking down the process into smaller steps, giving instructions to the computer one by one, fixing bugs as they appear, and repeating the process over and over again.It may also have the effect of training the thought process to think about the process of achieving goals.I thought, "I'm not sure what to do.

By the way, I was watching the programming game by my side, and I didn't understand it at all (explosion).

The following three steps are essential: envision the goal, visualize the process, remove the mental block that says you can't do it, keep taking action, and put yourself in the shoes of successful people....

My husband has taught me many things that are important for success, and I have reaffirmed my desire to envision the process and take one step at a time toward my own dreams.

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