Porsche Panamera

If you want to make your wife love cars, Porsche Panamera - my car life started here.

Panamera and his wife

The title of this article is "To make your wife love cars, buy her a Porsche Panamera.You wrote, ".

If it is a Porsche, why not a 911, Cayman, or Boxster? Rather, such models are more like the quintessential Porsche as a sports car.

I think many people would think that this is a good idea.

That may be true, but I'm not sure I'd want to tell my wife, who has no interest in cars, that "Cars are nice.If you think that the Panamera is the best choice for you, I would highly recommend the Panamera.

becauseThe Panamera is very comfortable to drive.It is.

The 911, Boxster, and Cayman are not "uncomfortable" to drive, but the suspension is stiff and picks up road irregularities easily. Of course, their sports car performance, handling, braking, acceleration, and stability are excellent.Such information will never be conveyed to people who are not interested in cars.

More than that.The most obvious is ride comfort.I think it is. The Panamera's ride is certainly firmer than that of a Mercedes-Benz or Lexus, but it is still very smooth.

When I first drove a Panamera, I was thrilled with how comfortable it was, and when I talked to blog readers and Panamera owners

My wife is thrilled with how comfortable the Panamera is and says it's the most comfortable car she's ever driven."

He often says things like.

My first Porsche, and I was like, "Porsche is nice.If you can leave a good impression that the Panamera is a great car, you will be able to take the whole family on a road trip or a spa trip in the Panamera, you will be able to pack your bags when you go shopping, and the design is cool...

With such a positive image of Porsche, I am sure that his wife will be more willing than ever to listen to him talk about cars, and this will open the way for him to become a car enthusiast.

I want to drive a Panamera all the time.

Looking back, I am not a car enthusiast, but it was the Panamera that got me interested in Porsche. I went to the dealership and reluctantly let myself test drive a Panamera and was told, "What the hell is this car?I was very impressed with the results of the project.

From there, I decided I wanted to be able to buy my own Panamera, started this blog, learned to drive a manual car, and here I am.

It all started with the Panamera.

The Panamera was the first Porsche I drove, the longest Porsche I have driven, a comrade-in-arms with whom I have shared many firsts, and my best buddy.

So with all that said, I think just sitting in the seat makes me feel at ease.

I took a mid-distance drive today, probably the last of the year, in the Panamera.(about 150 km round trip on the highway)I thought this as I rode along.

Oh, there is talk of switching to a Taikan, or a Continental GT, but next year, and the year after, I want to be driving this Panamera...


Having said that, I'm easily influenced, so the moment I test drive a Taikan or Continental GT, I'm like.Wow, this is so cool! I'll take that one!I know you're going to be begging your husband, "W

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