I processed my Boxster and Panamera with Google's full-fledged and versatile photo editing app, Snapseed!

Boxster GTS and Panamera are cleaner.

Here are other photos I processed in this manner.

before] Boxster GTS

after] Boxster GTS

before] Boxster GTS

after] Boxster GTS

before] Boxster GTS

after] Boxster GTS

before] Boxster GTS and Panamera Turbo

after] Boxster GTS and Panamera Turbo

Before] Panamera Turbo (in fog)

After] Panamera Turbo (in fog)

How about...?

Easy, fun and authentic.

Some of you may not like image manipulation as much, and while it's not as good as a photo with a serious lens camera, it's still a great way to get the best out of your camera.I want to express my iPhone photos of my beloved cars more clearly and beautifully."I recommend it to those who say, "It's easy and fun to process, just like makeup.

Snapseed."is here.

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