Porsche Boxster

Full throttle acceleration in a Boxster! - Full Throttle Challenge

Full Throttle Challenge

We've been following the articles from the other day about our participation in the Porsche Track Experience (PTE) in Shirahama, and at the end of the day, we all got to see the400m full throttle challengeThe company conducted a

The regular Porsche Track Experience (PTE) at Fuji Speedway does not have this Full Throttle Challenge.Programs that can only be implemented at the site of the old airport, which has a long runway of approximately 2 kmI heard that some participants chose the PTE in Shirahama because they could "do the full-throttle challenge. I heard that some participants chose the PTE in Shirahama because they could "do the full-throttle challenge.

The Full Throttle Challenge was explained briefly during the morning classroom session.

Ladies and gentlemen.Full Throttle ChallengeI don't think you usually do such things. This time, since it is an opportunity for you.Use launch control.In recent models, you can rocket start the car by putting it in Sport Plus mode, pressing down hard on the brake with your left foot and the accelerator with your right foot, and speaking quickly with your left foot when the timing is right.


When I heard that I said, "What, do manual cars have launch control? No, I don't think so... it would just stall with a bang and that would be the end of it...What should I do with the manual...and anxious to get to my car after the classroom lecture, I was on my way to this year's PCCJ(Porsche Carrera Cup Japan)He was approached by instructor Ryo Ogawa, who was competing in the

Hey, your expression is stiff. What's wrong?

I said, "No, I'm manual, but I don't have launch control or anything... I'm pretty worried about getting it right..."

Yes, you can. The manual does not have that function, so start the car by engaging the clutch as normal. Once the clutch is connected, step on the accelerator pedal and accelerate as hard as you can. NormallyI never get a chance to drive a Boxster and pull that hard in first gear, so it's a good chance to see the car's bottom line!

He said. Hearing those words, I felt relieved and was ready to go to training. After that, I talked with Instructor Ogawa frequently.

It would be very cool if a woman could drive a manual Porsche and drift. Please join g-Force, the next level of Precision!

The young man was so freshly smiling at her that Auntie couldn't help but think, "I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that.Yes, sir! Here we go!I responded, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Back to the story, all the cars formed a single file formation for the Full Throttle Challenge and headed for the starting point.

The rest of you are "You can try Launch Control!I, on the other hand, was thrilled to be able to

I've never done any sudden acceleration...what if I break the clutch...how far should I pull to shift gears...is it bad if I go to the red zone...? No, but I don't have time to look at the meter, so I have to feel it by sound..."

This is the only time I tend to think a lot aboutAhh, I should have joined you in my PDK Panamera!While I was thinking about this, my turn came quickly.

You only get one chance. "Three, two, one, start.The staff informed me that I had to wait for the right moment. This waiting time was quite long in terms of experience, and I was extra stumped.

Finally, the "3, 2, 1" signal began, and the clutch was carefully connected at the same time as the start...

Full acceleration & sticky step!

."I've never been so goofy on a Boxster!I shift into second and third gear, listening to the sound of the engine, thinking, "I can't believe I'm doing this. Then, in an instant, the goal came into sight.Eh, it's still in 3rd gear, should I put it in 4th...I thought, "I'm not going to be able to do that," so I put the car in 4th gear and the 400m was over.

During this time, about 15 seconds.

Physically, it was not fast at all. At WarmUp, a Porsche Track Experience I previously attended in a Panamera TurboThere is a scene where the car accelerates to 80km/h at full speed, and at that time, the body is pressed hard against the seat, and the tremendous acceleration makes the car seem to float for a moment.And I was hundreds of times more scared then.

Thereafter, "theOh, I was so nervous and stiff, it wasn't good at all!I returned to the parking lot of the venue with a sense of disappointment. I have posted a video of my nervousness on twitter, if you would like to see it.

Later I told my husband, "It was fun, but it wasn't good at all. It wasn't even fast enough!" I told him.I'd love to try the Full Throttle Challenge in GT3--it must be crazy fast!He said.

Indeed (laughs).

Nevertheless, it was a good experience for me because I never had a chance to accelerate so fully. And with the full-throttle challenge, the entire PTE 1-day program came to an end.

First thing in the morning, at the opening ceremony, we each had anxious looks on our faces.By the time it was over, everyone had a look of great satisfaction on their faces, filled with a sense of fulfillment.I'm glad I took the plunge and came! At the awards ceremony, the oldest person in the same group received the award.(Probably in his 70's?)I was so impressed by his heroic figure that I sincerely wished I could grow old like him.

Still, I really don't agree with that full-throttle challenge, so I'd like another shot at the W!

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