Visit "Mercedes Me" in Osaka - Shopping in Christmas Mode

Mercedes Me after a long time

The other day I had to go to Umeda, Osaka, by myself.It's been a long time since I've been to Grand Front Osaka.Mercedes MeeI decided to take a peek at theI'm not usually familiar with events, so it was only when I came to town like this that I realized that I was in the right place at the right time.Christmas is coming.I am now realizing that "the world is not as it used to be".

A large and stylish Christmas tree was decorated on the first floor of the Grand Front North Building.

So stylish...Christmas trees these days are not just fir trees with ornaments on them, but they are really stylishly designed.

Then I decided to stop by Mercedes Me next to that Christmas tree, and the inside of Mercedes Me was also in full Christmas mode.

Since I'm here, I'd like to give my children's gifts and my own bags for everyday use.(The handle of my bag, which I had been using for a long time, broke off.)I decided to see if anything looked good at the

Even before entering the restaurant, the "SL" had a distinctive presence.

It was wrapped with a big gold ribbon and there was a fir tree on the passenger seat. Like this, "A surprise at Christmas, a sudden gift of a SL with a ribbon.I wonder if there is actually such a thing as "I'm a good person. I'm sure there is... it's a big world, isn't it?

But in my case, I'd be more than happy to get such a surprise.

"Wait a minute...Car insurance, car tax, parking fees, car inspection fees, etc....I guess that means you'll pay all the maintenance costs too.... Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for me to maintain SL when I get it..."

I think I would check first.(You have a personality that's not worth the surprise.)

I looked around the store.Mercedes-Benz has a real abundance of Mercedes Me merchandise.)The company's products are also available in a variety of colors and sizes. At first glance, the lineup may not seem much different from Porsche's goods, such as golf bags, hats, key cases, and kids' cars, but there is a wide variety of designs.

For example, there were so many hats alone.

If I were a woman, this pink one would be cute.... They also had cute kids' backpacks. However, my second daughter, who is almost 3 years old.I've been obsessed with Minnie and Kitty lately, so I bought this bag to take home and she'll never use it.I decided not to buy it because it was obvious that I would not be able to afford it.

There were also other items on sale, some tote bags in the ¥2,000 range, and many other items that were quite reasonably priced.

However, I was taking so many pictures that the staff started to talk to me., ,From the middle of the tour, I stopped taking pictures and purely enjoyed the shopping experience.

I looked for my bag and found a cute tote bag, but when I looked at the price, it cost 14,000 yen.

It's just for daily use, and it gets dirty easily because of kids putting candy chips and sand in it, but it's expensive to pay 14,000 yen for it...

I was struggling with the problem, and the clerk said to me, "I'm sorry, but I'm not sureOther colors are available, please feel free to ask!Although I was approached by a "No, the problem is not "color" but "price" (-_-)I bailed out and left the store a short while later without buying anything.

Goods from car manufacturers

I once read on twitter or something that "It's tacky to wear car maker's goods just because you like cars.I have seen a post that said.

But I'm not a "Because I love cars, I wear goods from car manufacturers.I think it's also possible to be a "good" person. I think it's fine as long as it doesn't bother others and I like it, regardless of what others think. In fact, I am quite fond of my Porsche backpack.

We are a couple who don't give each other Christmas gifts every year, or rather, we have never given each other Christmas gifts, but... if you have such a great selection of goodies, you can't go wrong.Maybe this is a good opportunity to give away car maker goods.I wondered if I might be able to.(That said, I think it is risky to give a car manufacturer's goods to a wife who is not a car enthusiast.)

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