Categories: My Family's Car Life

Why even my Porsche-loving wife doesn't want to go on a family road trip in a 911

Hotel "Ship in the Sky" in Amakusa

Hotel in Amakusa, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan last year as a hometown taxpayer.Ship in the SkyI got a ticket to stay at the hotel. The family immediately adjusted their schedule and went for an overnight stay, which turned out to be a very nice hotel and a very satisfying family trip.
However, it is possible to take a ferry from Osaka Nanko to Shin Moji Port andI had planned to drive along Aso and Milk Road, but unfortunately it was cloudy and even raining, so I could not enjoy the drive at all.So this year, we decided to go back for revenge.

→[Reference article] Staying on a ship in the sky in Amakusa and touring to Milk Road in Aso.

I recently booked the "Ship in the Sky."The hotel was almost fully booked on Saturdays and Sundays during the year, and we were finally able to make a reservation for a date at the end of November.Oh no, just in time.

If you bought air-cooled, would you go with air-cooled?

I had expected to go to Kyushu in a Panamera, of course, but the other day my husband told meIf you bought air-cooled, would you go with air-cooled?"The email was sent to me.

...What, seriously (*_*)!

I hadn't considered that option at all...(I mean, I haven't even bought it yet.)But I thought it looked kind of cramped, so I replied, "Oh no, it looks cramped (-_-)," to which my husband, who came home that day, replied, "I don't like it.

I'm not worried about air-cooled cars because they're not that narrow," he said. In fact, if I went touring in Aso with a 911, it would be a good topic for my blog.

I said...When I drove a 911 in Germany, the back seat was very narrow, and the air-cooled one is even narrower than that, isn't it? I know air-cooled cars are even smaller than that..."And since I stubbornly refused to change my stance to "no," the decision was eventually made to go with the Panamera.

Why families don't want to drive in a 911

When dad says let's go for a drive in the 911 with the family.'I get complaints from wives and children that they don't like it.'I have heard that this is true, and I thought this time that it may indeed be so. I have listed three reasons for this as follows.

(1) Because I'm going with my family.

If my husband and I were going alone, it would be no problem at all. I think we can enjoy the drive in the driver's seat and the passenger seat, enjoying conversation and taking turns driving.But in this case, we are talking about a family of four.My oldest daughter, for some reason, insists on riding in the passenger seat. When I tried to guide her to the back seat, she would say, "No! I want to ride in the front! and she won't listen to me.

So, if you are going for a drive to Kyushu, you can alsoUnless I drive, I will have to spend the entire time in the back seat.Also, loading car seats in the back seat, getting cramped, kids bored with driving and making noise...I have a feeling my stress is going to be maxed out.

I can't sit comfortably in the back seat.

This may be a reason to be confused with (1).... Even though "you can't sit comfortably in the back seat," for me, my husband, 4 year old, and 1 year old, the space of the 911 is sufficient. However, that is not the case with theThat is if the children ride docilely in the back seat.

As I mentioned earlier, it is probably imperative that I sit in the back seat."If it were a Panamera, I could sit comfortably and comfortably - why didn't I come in a Panamera..."I can see that I will be driving around with regrets.

(iii) It's a long drive.

For a medium-distance drive of about 1.5 hours one way, the 911 is fine. But for our family's drive in AmakusaFrom Shin Moji Port, the trip will head south through Kyushu on the Kyushu Expressway, and from Amakusa to Aso, probably a total distance of about 700 km.And to be honest, it's tough to spend all that time in the back seat of a 911.

Wife's true feelings

All of the reasons have one thing in common.I hate not being able to sit comfortably in the back seat."I'm a very selfish wife, aren't I?

When the family goes for a drive, I think the father often drives for a long time.The driver's seat will be a fixed position, especially if the father likes to drive.I'm more of a driving enthusiast than most people in the world.I want to go for a drive with my family in a 911. I want my family to be able to experience the quality of a Porsche."I also understand the father's concern that

But from the standpoint of a passenger... if the passenger and rear seat passengers are not comfortable, a long drive is honestly painful. The father in the driver's seat is impressed by the Porsche's handling and the sense of oneness between the driver and the passengers. The family's dissatisfaction is growing in inverse proportion to the father's excitement. Once the father experiences such a feeling, it becomes difficult to go on a long-distance drive with his family.

I would love to go touring in an air-cooled Porsche or 911 when my children are older and we can go for a drive together.But for now, my wife really wants to go with the Panamera.

I mean, is my husband going to buy an air-cooled Porsche that soon...(((HUGS)))!

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