5 points to take beautiful photos of your precious car - Porsche Boxster, Panamera, etc.

I'm on Instagram.

I'm on Instagram, too, in case you're wondering.(I only give pictures of my Porsche.)Feed(I don't know if it's called that.)I enjoy looking at the many beautifully photographed photos of my car, and more importantly, I learn a lot about photography.

Before, I used to take pictures of cars without thinking about composition at all, but since I started InstagramIf I'm going to go to the trouble of taking pictures of my car, I want them to be beautiful.I became a little more aware of the situation as I started to feel "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

So today, I'd like to share with you what I've learned from my research and from my husband, and what I think are the key points.The key to taking beautiful pictures of your car."I would like to introduce the following

5 points

I wrote down five points that I think are important for photographing your car.

(1) Know the landscape where your car looks best.

First, before shootingWhat kind of scene would make my car look its best?I think it is important to consider the following. Even within the same Porsche, the scenery that suits the Boxster, a two-seater open-top car, and the Panamera, a luxury sedan, will be different.

However, "what kind of scenery your car will look good in" depends on your personal taste and sense of style, and is completely different depending on the color of the body color.There is no such thing as "this is absolutely right!" There is no such thing asI think that we should cherish the feeling that we think is good.

For example, in the case of the Porsche in our home

The Boxster, with its white body color and red top, looks great in natural scenery. The pure white Boxster looks even better against the bright blue sky, the blue ocean, and the green mountains. On the other hand, the Panamera in Night Blue Metallic, which is called "Night Blue," suits dusk and slightly darker landscapes. The Panamera also looks better in an urban setting than in a natural setting.

He is of the opinion that the

(2) Determine the composition (concept)

Don't just take a picture somehow.I want to capture the contrast between the blue of the ocean and the Boxster."I want the most beautiful shot of the back of the Panamera."I want to get a good shot of the logo."Think about what kind of composition you want to use to photograph your car.

I think it is better to take good photos that bring out the charm of your car if you think about it in this way.

(iii) Improve your skills to take beautiful pictures.

After all, there is a technique to photography. ...and while I am saying that I am a great photographer, my husband has been telling me that I am a great photographer.Why don't you do some research on how to make it look cooler!"'What the hell do you want to shoot! (P.S.)"(-_-) Well, I am not a professional photographer, so I am hoping to acquire at least the knowledge and skills to be able to take reasonably beautiful pictures.

I am aware, after all the research I've done and been taught, that

(1) Park with the tires slightly askew.
If the vehicle is parked with the tires straight, the viewer cannot deny the "still image" feeling. However, if the vehicle is steered so that the front tires are at a slight angle, the viewer can instantly feel a sense of motion.

On the other hand, for photos where you do not want to create a sense of dynamism, it is a good idea to park the tires straight and take the photo.

(2) When shooting with an iPhone, use 2x zoom.
The iPhone X and iPhone 7/8 Plus have two lenses with different focal lengths on the back: wide-angle (1x) and telephoto (2x). Normally, you would take a photo with the wide-angle (1x) lens, but then you would have to get very close to the car, which would make the shape of the car look distorted due to the perspective effect.(The rear of the Boxster appears to be extremely raised.)

So, on the iPhone's "Camera" function screenSwitching from a wide-angle lens (1x) to a telephoto lens (2x) and zooming in a little further from the carIt is possible to take pictures of the car body as close as you can see it. It is also good that there is no deterioration in image quality even when the camera is set to "2x".

(3) Tilt the camera at a slight angle to take a picture.
If you tilt the camera at an angle, the ground becomes slanted, which gives depth to the photo, and you can take a picture of a car that looks really fast (laugh). Of course, it is good to take pictures with the camera straight, but if you want to add a little arrangement, it is also good to take pictures with the camera tilted at an angle.

4) Processing photos

In the case of a photo taken with a Phone, it's beautiful in its bare state."It would be more beautiful with more saturation," or "It would be more lively with a few more highlights."I often feel that I am not the only one.

That's when I decided to use Google's photo processing app, "SnapseedUse the "PhotoShop". Even though it is a free app, it is quite usable, just like Photoshop. I like the blur function.The car stands out more when the background is slightly blurred, and even a photo that looks like a bit of a failure can be recovered quite well (laughs).I'm not sure if you can find the right place for it. By the way, most of my insta photos are processed with Snapseed.

(5) Buy a good camera

After all... (laughs) no matter how hard I try with my iPhone, my SLR(a little old)Even when taking pictures with the α7 III, it is still no match for my husband's Sony α7 III digital single-lens reflex camera.

→[Reference article] Astonishingly beautiful! My husband bought a Sony α7 III digital SLR camera.

The focus is instantaneous, the speed of continuous shooting is fast, and even a casual shot of a table or chair can be taken very beautifully.The background blurring is also amazing. Also the blurriness of the background is amazing. My husband wasEven if you're not very good at what you do, you can still get really good pictures with this camera."(laughter).

Fuji, which is quite far away, can be photographed with a sense of perspective as if it were right in front of you.

It is not distorted in any strange way, and my car can be seen in a flash....

If you really want to take pictures, there is no better way than to use a good camera.

Practice and research are the only way.

Other thoughts.To improve your photography skills, you need to take a lot of pictures.I think that the first step is to take pictures, take pictures, take pictures, and take pictures. As with any work, quality cannot be improved without a certain amount of work, and as for photography, the first step is to take pictures, take pictures, and take pictures.

The pictures my husband takes of cars are always beautiful.(When my husband takes a picture on instagram, it gets twice as many likes as the one I took. (When my husband posts his photos on Instagram, they get twice as many likes as the ones I take.)Perhaps.My husband has taken tens of thousands of pictures of cars in his life.I wonder if it is.

I also think it's a good idea to look at the installations and study them. After all, photos with a lot of "Likes! are often very beautiful in terms of image quality and composition. I would like to continue to improve my photography skills, little by little.

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