Categories: My Family's Car Life

How to spend GW to make everyone HAPPY, including car-loving husbands, wives, and children.

How to spend GW at my home

The GW holiday started at the end of April, and our family will be off except for May 1 and 2 because our eldest daughter's kindergarten is on the calendar. The weather was relatively fine this holiday weekend, so it was a good day to go out.

...but during the annual GW and holidays, my family seldom goes out as a family.

Because it is crowded everywhere you go (-_-)

There are many cars and slow traffic on both the expressways and down the road, long lines at all leisure facilities, and extremely high prices for accommodations at seasonal prices.

."There is no merit in going out with the family on consecutive holidays when the three elements of "crowded, long lines, and expensive" are all present.As a result of the "I'm not going on a trip or outing," I almost never go on a trip or outing. If I do go, I try to go at a slightly different time of year.

A couple without a shred of romance.

My husband and I have been like this since before we got married, and neither of us have ever been to any fireworks shows or festivals because we both hate crowds.If anything, I don't even know when the fireworks show is.I have never been to popular restaurants or ramen shops because I don't like to wait in line.

We even went to "Kappa Sushi" for lunch on our first date.(My husband asked me, "Where do you want to go for lunch?" (My husband asked me where I wanted to eat for lunch, and I answered, "Kappa Sushi because it's cheap and open. (My husband was surprised.))After that, when it came to dinner, they often went to Sukiya or McDonald's, and they were a couple without any semblance of romance, as they avoided traffic jams and acted contrary to the world at every turn.

separate action for husband and wife

The way our family spends GW and consecutive holidays is as follows.

Husband: Touring for about 4 days and 3 nights
Me, my daughters: back to my parents' house

It is. By spending time in this way, you can

that (something mentioned before which is distant psychologically or in terms of time)The touring is a great way to enjoy touring as if you were single: as you like, at your own pace, no matter what your child's bathroom or mood is like.
I (mainly used by working men)I can leave the housework and childcare to my parents and just laze around at home.(I'm sorry I'm such a girl.)
childrenI enjoy having lots of fun with my grandparents, eating tons of sweets even though they tell me not to at home, and going on lots of outings.
grandparents: I'm so happy that my grandchildren came to stay with us and I'm so happy that they're already happy.

So, yes, it is HAPPY for everyone, and this separate way of spending time is our family's best bet for now.

Each family has its own way.

Although, "Husband wants to go touring, but wife wants to go out with familyI wonder if it might be difficult in the case of a family that says, "We want to do this," because there will be a gap in what we both want to do.... I wonder if it would also not be the case for families who must always go back home to both sides of the family. Also, when the kids are a little older, we may have to go out, whether it's for a holiday or not.

So it is a way to spend time because of the current situation in our home.

occasionallyWouldn't your husband be upset that you would take the kids back to your own parents' house during the holidays?"Or, conversely.How can you allow a husband to leave his wife and children to come and enjoy touring all by himself?"But neither my husband nor I feel that way at all.

Even if they don't spend the holidays in a worldly way, it doesn't matter how they are spent, as long as the family and other people involved are satisfied with the way they are spent.

So, my husband went on a trip to Yamaguchi, Shimane, Tottori, Hiroshima, and Okayama on a wide-area farm road from yesterday to the 6th on SL Grandpa, so the children and I went back to my parents' house.

Well, my parents' house is heaven.

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