Categories: My Family's Car Life

Wait a minute! Is that body covering really protecting your car from dirt and damage?

Body cover in blue parking lot.

The parking lot in front of our house can hold up to two cars. Normally that should be enough...but with a husband who loves cars, this is not the case for my family, so we rent a parking space near our house to park our Mercedes-Benz SL500 and Volkswagen Golf.(I believe the parking fee was 10,000 yen/unit/month)The following is a list of the most common problems with the "C" in the "C" column.

However, since it is an open-air parking lot, my husband has been told this year that it is not good for the car as it is exposed to the hot sun and wind and rain all the time.I blogged about it the other day.Nakabayashi IndustryCustom-made body covers forto be attached to the car. (Mercedes-Benz SL500 only)

Until just the other day, we were the only family in this parking lot with body covers on our cars, but the last time I was out with my family and glanced at them from a distanceBody cover for a Mercedes-Benz C-Class parked on the same lot.I discovered that it was covered with! My husband was

I think you saw me wearing a body cover and thought it was a good idea, so you put it on! I don't get dirty, I wash my car less often, and I don't get damaged as much. That's right.

He was happy as if he had more friends.

It's supposed to be a body cover to protect your car...

However, this was not the case. As soon as my husband came home from work later that day, he said something like this.I've recently started wearing body covers on my car, and I don't like them! I'd rather not have body covers on my car!"I was told that the fabric of the body cover was very thin and flimsy. The fabric of the body cover was very thin and flimsy, and the hem had already turned up. Also, whenever the wind blew, the wind would get between the body cover and the car, causing the body cover to flap and flutter.

It's not a raised fabric, it's thin and flimsy, and every time the wind blows the body cover, it causes countless fine scratches on the car, damaging it immensely. It would be better to leave it out in the rain. Oh no!Why don't you use Nakabayashi Industries' body cover?"I might leave a message card saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

He said. On the other hand, our body cover didn't flip up at all, the body was completely tucked in, and he had no problems with it!. There is such a difference between body covers."My husband seemed to realize this and even took pictures, which I showed him. First, the body cover that had been turned up.

Indeed...I mean, this is not the right size to begin with!The door mirrors are also sticking out, so it looks like it would be a little tight, as it would put a lot of pressure on the mirrors when removing the body cover... Also, I wonder if it doesn't have a function to bind the hem. On the other hand, here is the SL with our body cover on.

It is completely covered and can be tied at the hem, so there seems to be no problem. My husband was very impressed that this body cover did not get wet in the torrential rain that hit western Japan the other day, not even a little bit.

The awesomeness of custom-made body covers.

Although there are many general-purpose body covers available for a reasonable amount of money, I was reminded that it is important to choose carefully because they are intended to protect your precious car. In additionCars sold today come in a wide variety of shapes depending on the make and model of the car, so if the car is generic, it will not fit after all, and will end up being worn out or, on the contrary, will damage the car.This could be the case.

If so, it is better in the long run to choose a custom-made body cover that fits the car and protects it from dirt and damage, even if it costs a little more.

In fact, when I asked the president of Nakabayashi Industries the other day, he told me that having a custom-made body coverMany of our customers tell us they get a tremendous price when they sell."He said. ...but the best thing would be a "covered parking lot," but that doesn't happen very often, soIf you are going to cover the body, it is important to make sure that you choose a body cover that properly fits the car.I am reminded once again today that the "one and only" is the "one and only".

*The interview with Nakabayashi Kogyo was later introduced on the company's "Myinkara" blog.
Interviewed by the owner of the blog "A Porsche Came to Our House

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