Porsche Panamera

Which is easier to drive, the Porsche Cayenne or the Panamera? Views from owners who have owned both.

When I used to scrape my car a lot.

I blogged the other day about

Which is easier to drive, Porsche's Cayenne or Panamera?Mina, who has experience driving both the Panamera and Cayenne, would love to share with us from a woman's perspective.

I received a comment from one of the customers that he had a problem with the car. This person's wife is currently driving a Panamera, and because of the large size of the car, it seems that the car is sometimes rubbed.

As for the Audi A3 that used to be in our house, I used to scrape and bump it a lot.

I had been a paper driver for over 10 years and was not as used to driving a car as I am now, so every time I scraped it, I took it to a sheet metal shop, but it scraped so much that at one point I was a regular customer.

No matter how many times I rubbed it again, my husband said, "You're not hurt or anything. We can fix it again.He said nothing more, and I felt even more sorry for him..."I'll never scrub again! I swear to myself, "I'll never scrub again!repeatedly.

Porsche Cayenne or Panamera

I can't say I'm a flattering car driver, but I'm a good driver.Cayenne or Panamera, which is easier to drive?When asked, "Is the Cayenne easier to drive?", the Cayenne is still easier to drive.

The reason, as you all know, is thatlooking on with anger in one's eyesFrom.

Although the Cayenne is larger than the Panamera, the higher line of sight makes it easier to get a sense of the width of the car, and the visibility from the driver's seat makes it easier to drive.

andThe Cayenne is pretty small without the rear axle steering option.Therefore, it is easy to park and make right and left turns.

The Cayenne is also easier to get a parking ticket from a coin-operated parking lot. The Panamera's doors are quite thick, so you have to get as close to the ticketing machine as possible to reach the parking ticket, especially if you are a petite woman.

I'm not a small person, but even so, there have been many times when I have put my gear in parking, unbuckled my seatbelt, and leaned over to get a parking ticket.

With that in mind, women who are not confident in their driving skills would probably feel more comfortable driving a Cayenne than a Panamera.

The Panamera, on the other hand, isThere was almost no chance of being interrupted in the city or being approached from behind on the highway.I guess it is the style of a luxury sedan after all... In that sense, the Panamera was easy to drive at my pace.

The Cayenne is also much less likely to be agitated or interrupted than the average car, but the Panamera really didn't have any of those things, so I thought, "I wonder if the Cayenne is a bit more interruptive, agitated, etc. compared to the Panamera.I have the impression that the "I'm not a fan of this".

Why I no longer rub my Porsche.

The Panamera came to my house in February 2016, and I had been rubbing the car so much before, but since I started driving the Porsche, I don't rub it anymore.

When I first took delivery of the car, I had a slight scrape on the back of my 970 Panamera when I was going home to my parents' house and parking it, but I haven't bumped or scraped it since then. ...supposedly (laughs).

that isIt's not that "I'm dramatically better at driving myself," or "Porsche has magical powers [laughs]."I wonder if the following reasons could be cited.

1. no longer doing anything risky

When the Panamera came to our house to replace the A3, it was calledCan I really drive such a big car...I was quite anxious.

At the time, I often dreamed that I was driving a Panamera and was hit from in front, or that the Panamera, which was supposed to be parked in a parking lot, suddenly disappeared.(What the heck is that?),...I think that's how anxious I was about driving.

That's why I said, "I don't want to damage my Porsche!and stopped doing risky things in the first place. For example.

No narrow streets.
I don't go shopping in supermarkets with small parking lots.
Even in commercial parking lots, park in a spacious area away from the entrance where no one is parked.
I do my best to avoid parallel parking, etc.
Never pass or overtake a car in front of you on the highway unless there are no cars around you.

Such as.

I think doing so has largely reduced the risk of scraping or bumping.

2. Adjust seat position and handlebar position properly.

Many women sink into their car seats and drive.I think so. I used to be the same way. Also, the seat was only adjusted front to back, and I didn't really care about the height.

But as I went to Porsche Driving School and my husband pointed out to me.I know the importance of seat adjustment.Since then, I have been driving after adjusting it to my body shape.

By adjusting the seat up and down, the driver's eye line becomes higher, and the driver has a better sense of the width of the car, making driving easier than before.

3.When turning right and left, be aware of the difference between the inside and outside wheels and make a wide turn.

When I first started driving the Panamera.There were a couple of times when I made a right/left turn in the A3 sense and rode up onto the sidewalk.I had never driven with the difference between the inside wheels of a car in mind, but I learned that when driving a car with a large body, it is better to be aware of such a thing and make some large turns.

Especially when it comes to the Cayenne, it is a small body that feels small compared to its actual size.You need to drive with more awareness of the difference between the inside wheels than the Panamera.I think.

I'm still not a great driver, and my husband often tells me that I'm not a good driver.Slow to make decisions!I have been told that I am a "good driver," but I hope that I can continue to improve my driving skills little by little while trying to be a safe driver.


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