Interview with Mr. and Mrs. Porsche Owner|Why did the wife approve of her husband's love of cars?

Mr. and Mrs. A are wonderful Porsche owners who enjoy their car life as a family. They go touring together as a family, and the wife made an album for her husband with memories of their beloved Porsche.

What kind of a couple is it that the wife understands her husband's hobby and enjoys the Porsche lifestyle together?We were given the opportunity to interview them.

Incidentally, Mr. A currently owns a 981 Boxster Spyder, a 930 Carrera 3.2, and a Mercedes-Benz C-Class Wagon.

(1) A wife who understands car lovers

Have you been touring with your family since your children were young?

his wifeYes, I have been a member of the Porsche group since my husband met Porsche. Since my husband met Porsche, he has been a member of the Porsche group, and my husband has been organizing touring parties.I have had the pleasure of touring with my family many times.

One time, we all rented a lodge, had a barbecue, and stayed there overnight. My children were still small at the time, but when I took them with me, everyone loved them and we had a great time.

her husband: : TheMy wife made all the arrangements for the overnight stay at the lodge.The first is that it is a very good idea to use the same type of equipment as the second.

his wifeEveryone was there as a couple, so the wives talked with each other in their spare time, but they were not interested in cars, including myself, so we never talked about cars (laughs).

But as we spent more time together.Gradually, a kind of sense of togetherness emerged, and we became very close.

Lovely...Also, I heard that the wife even made an album of her husband's beloved Porsche....

his wifeYes, you made it (laughs).

My husband loved cars before we were married, but he was not obsessed with Porsches at the time.After driving a variety of cars, he gradually came to "Porsche.I mean....

I gave my husband the Porsche album because a lot was going on at the time.

Ah...I guess this ends one Porsche's history in my husband's mind."

So I made it as a way of breaking the ice.

My husband is a man with a strong passion for cars.That's why I was fascinated by Porsche.I was aware of the fact that "I'm not just a Porsche guy," but I'm sure that I'll continue to love Porsche and will probably graduate from Porsche to the next car...

With that in mind, I gave him an album full of memories, but instead of ending, that was the beginning of Porsche's history (laughs).

When I saw how it looked, I finally said, "You know what?Yeah, this guy really, really likes Porsche.I found out again, "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

her husband: Yes (laughs) My wife made the album with the intention of "Porsche is finished," but then997GT3RS3.8, Macan GTS, air-cooled Porsche and 981 Boxster Spyder.and became more and more addicted to Porsche.

(2) Time of the collision over the car

Was your wife always a car enthusiast as well?

his wifeI am not a car enthusiast...if anything, I still have no idea about cars, to the point where all the cars on the road look the same. Also.Before we were married, we had clashes over cars.The following is a list of the most common problems with the "C" in the "C" column.

When you say collision...?

her husbandI was training at a company to become independent, and when I started earning a decent salary, I bought a Mercedes-Benz out of the blue.

At the time, my wife was pretty pissed off. She said, "You haven't achieved your goals at work yet, have you? And you're buying a car?He said.

his wifeMy sense is that a reward is a "It's something you buy because you worked hard and got results.I was aware of the fact that I was "independent". So why are you buying a car now when you haven't achieved your goal of "independence"? I thought.

You haven't accomplished anything, so why are you buying a car first?

his wifeI don't know, I just don't see a car as a reward in my husband's mind. "Car and work goals are compatible.It was."

The car is what makes life worth living...She said the car is her motivation in life and an essential part of her husband's life.After I understood this feeling, I think I stopped clashing with them.

I see...the car is an essential part of your life.

his wife: My husband was a car enthusiast before we were married."Cars are important to this person.There was a perception that "the

But as I got married and watched my husband by my side, I thought to myself, "I'm not going to be able to do that.Cars are absolutely essential to this man's life.I now have a better understanding of what it means to be a "good" person.

I often hear people say that their wives don't understand them, but in the extreme, I wonder if the wives wouldn't complain so much if the husbands were earning well...

his wifeI think they look at the balance between "car" and "work" very carefully. Women are very strict about that, aren't they?

In our case, it's "For my husband, the car and work are two wheels, so if we lost the car, his work would be affected.It is significant that we have come to understand over the years together that "the

If my husband lost his car, he might say, "It's not's not worth living for..." (laughs).

I can do my best at work because I have a fulfilling purpose in life: cars. And when that car is a Porsche, the relationships with the people I work with are wonderful, which motivates me even more to do well at work.

Maybe they have stopped saying anything because they see both wheels turning by their side.

I'm biased towards cars only, "I need a car!" but as a wife, there are parts of me that don't agree with that...

his wifeI'm sure there is a lot of it! It will take time to prove whether it goes both ways or not. Still, I didn't expect my husband to be so single-mindedly devoted to Porsche (laughs)!

her husbandI think you have to be a have to go through the motions. If I can convey that to my wife, I think she will approve of me.

In my mind, the last thing I wanted to do was mess with an air-cooled Porsche.Once I got to know air-cooling, I have been single-mindedly committed to Porsche from that point on, and I can't get out of it.

(3) Peace of mind for Porsche owners

Are there any other points at which your wife came to understand your husband's love of Porsche?

his wifeI think that the Porsche owners around me are a big part of the reason for this.

When my husband had just purchased his Porsche, he said, "What kind of person drives a Porsche?"There are a lot of nice Porsche owners.It was a great relief to be able to experience firsthand such things as

her husbandI think so. I bought a Porsche, registered with Minkara, and immediately started to meet people I met there.Would you like to go touring in Awaji?I took my wife with me, and the people who came to the touring were all really nice people.

Everyone talked to my wife in a friendly manner.

If the mood of the people there had been a little different, the story might have been different.

Actually, I happened to find Mina's husband's Insta.Wow you are a great Porsche lover, I'd love to meet you someday.I was thinking, "I'd like to meet you, too," and then we were able to connect in this way, and I met Mina, and I believe that this kind of wonderful encounter is possible only with Porsche.

The experience of socializing through Porsche made it easier for her to appreciate her husband's love of cars...

his wife: Yes. Everyone was very reassuring. They were all very comfortable with the idea of sharing only what they could share together, while respecting their own atmosphere and not forcing things on each other.I really like the relationship where you don't push the other person too hard.I thought.

."This is the kind of atmosphere you all gather around Porsche!I could actually feel it," he said, "so I could watch my husband's love of Porsche with peace of mind.

her husbandI remember one time when we all went touring with GT3 alone, and it was a lot of fun.

The wives became good friends, and we had a year-end party at a restaurant owned by a friend of mine, which made everyone happy...all of this was possible because of the personalities of all the Porsche owners.

his wife: As they interacted with each other, they gradually became more and more aware of theThe Porsche feels different than any car my husband has ever driven... it's special.I began to feel that "I'm not a good person.

It's not just the car itself, it's the charm...The people and friends that surround the Porsche are all part of the Porsche's charm.But I don't know much about cars, so to be honest, I have no idea what you're talking about with Porsche design (laughs).

However, the Porsche owners around my husband are amazing people.Don't get carried away thinking you're just like everyone else.There are times when I say, "I'm sorry.

her husbandI always buy more Porsches than I can handle (laughs).

I always tell myself not to get carried away.

As you get older and your position increases, there is no one to give you an earful, so these wives are very important.

his wife: At the root of it all, "We didn't start out in a situation where we could afford a Porsche.I always have the feeling that I should not get carried away, even though I am now able to own a Porsche like this because I have the feeling that "I am a Porsche man.

On top of that, from my point of view, I know that my husband is always working as hard as he can at his job... I don't say anything about the car as much as possible, I want him to be free and enjoy the car.

(4) Attractiveness of Porsche

The appeal of Porsche is not only in the car and the owner, but also in the concept of manufacturing!

her husband: Indeed, other manufacturers may feel that the concept is thinly veiled. When you drive a car that has been remodeled, you may think, "Oh, it's so different from the previous generation. There is no consistency in car making.Sometimes I think, "I'm not sure I can do this.

his wife: The only Porsche I've ever driven is the Macan, but even so, I felt that the engine and the way it drove felt special.

."How do sports car types and SUVs differ and what do they have in common?I don't even know what a "Porsche" is, but still, I could tell just by driving it that it is a very different car from the others.

her husbandI'm a pretty picky type of person.Porsche is a sports car manufacturer that makes cars without compromise.I think the ""-" part is also a big part of what attracts me to Porsche.

Of course, I know people who drive Ferraris and Lamborghinis, but those who understand the true quality of Porsche definitely have one, and they never leave Porsche.

Also, Porsche has a good resale.

her husbandI think so. In the beginning, my wife even told me, "I don't think a Porsche is too much to ask for, do you?I was once told, "You're not going to be able to do that.Porsche has a better resale than cars from other manufacturers without a drop in value.I think my wife's view of Porsche has changed since she learned that there is such an appealing feature.

I often show my wife CarSensor, and even Porsches that I bought in the past have not lost much value, but rather have increased in value.

Also.Porsche is a good novelty item.So, every time I go to the dealer and get some goodies, my wife seems to be secretly happy (laughs).

I will continue to do my best to fulfill my Porsche life, and I will do it well so that my wife can watch over me as I do so.

Blog Manager's Comments
Mr. and Mrs. A are a lovely couple, and it was refreshing to hear both the husband talking about his touring with his wife and the wife talking about her husband's love of cars, which gave me a very warm feeling. Thank you very much for this interview that made me think how nice Porsche is!

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