Reviews & Test Rides

Test drive on a Honda S660. Tried it on the usual road I drive with the Boxster.

S660, test drive

Let me start with my impressions of the test drive: the S660 has very solid doors and very good quality seats, which is hard to believe for a light car.

Seat is lower than expected and there is no up/down seat adjustment.I think it would be easier for me, as a woman, to drive if I could raise the seat a little more.

The clutch is light and the shift lever is short and easy to enter.When I was allowed to drive the roadster, the clutch was light, shallow and easy to work with.I felt that the 981 Boxster GTS is still very heavy and deep when I think about it.(Even some domestic sports cars seem to have heavy clutches)

Second, as I started running, I feltThe car body is light, but the car feels like a well-made car.That is to say, "I'm a sports car. It felt like a sports car that was properly and seriously made. It's amazing that a light car is so well made.

The clutch and shifter operation is also easy to drive without being nervous because it is the first time riding the car.It is truly a MT sports car that women can enjoy driving.The following is a list of the most common problems with the "C" in the "C" column.

The S660 is a "new" model that isThe feeling of driving in one lower gear than when driving in a BoxsterIn the "open" mode, I drove in second gear on hills where I would pull in third gear in the Boxster, and in second gear on curves where I would make turns in third gear in the Boxster. Also, when I was going around a curve with the car in the open and feeling the autumn breeze, I felt "just like a motorcycle" because of the small size of the car and its ability to turn in small circles, and I felt that the car was very comfortable and easy to drive.(I've never driven a motorcycle before.

This would be fun to drive on narrow roads that are on the motorcycle touring map, where a typical sports car would not be able to drive due to its size.

But as for wind entrainment.Because the height is low, the wind hits the top of the head just right, and the hair is unusually disheveled in that area only.I did, but I felt that the Boxster was more about the overall wind roll.

The S660 is aOpen sports car that can easily go shopping in the neighborhoodI think it's a great idea. It may seem a bit exaggerated to go shopping in the neighborhood in a Boxster, but with this car, even if it is only a few minutes away from the neighborhood, you can enjoy the open sport driving experience. This is the perfect car for a couple who loves cars!

Next, I would like to share with you my husband's impressions.

Next page→Honda 660, what does my husband think...!

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