Driving a Porsche Panamera Turbo with Paddle Shift @ Ashiyu Driveway

Driving a Panamera with paddle shifters

These days, when I go out in my Panamera, I try to drive with paddle shifters wherever I go.Sometimes I forget that when I'm waiting at a traffic light, and when I get to a green light, I super pull in first gear and accelerate (explosion).Little by little, I am getting used to driving with paddle shifters and I am beginning to enjoy it somewhat, so yesterday I decided to take the Panamera to the Ashiu driveway.

andIf we're going to go out there, let's take pictures of it running with an SLR camera."My husband said, "I'm going to go there," and my family of four decided to drive me there.

We must eliminate the escape!

As I left home and began driving with the paddle shifters, my husband told me

I'm not going to drive with paddle shifters at traffic lights and in a city with so many cars. Why don't you just use the AT now?"

They said.... "I mean, he told me to fix my nature of driving with AT even though it's PDK, so I'm trying to drive with paddle shifters at all times and have no escape (-_-).I say."

If you really want to get out of the way, you have to drive a Boxster with a manual transmission, and PDK has all kinds of places to run."

I thought, "Well, sure," and drove on, arriving at Ashiu in the meantime.

Start of Ashi Ari Running

Ashiu is very empty on Saturdays. I dropped my husband off at a photo spot near the Higashi Rokko Observation Deck observation deck, and decided to walk back and forth from Okuike to the observation deck and have him take pictures while I was there.

I thought the faster I was, the faster I could take a picture, but my husband told meWhen you get to the photo spot, drive slowly! If you go too fast, you won't get the picture!"He reminded me that I had to drive at about 40 km/h in the photo spots, but drive with paddle shifters on other roads.

After all, it is totally different from AT. Even though there is a slight time difference in shifting.The fun part is changing gears at your own timing, slowing down and downshifting before a curve, and then shifting up a gear and accelerating when you get out of the curve.I could taste a little.

However, I am a bit of a jittery driver, so I couldn't drive well because I had to step on the brake long before the curve, and I couldn't pull in third gear unless the line was very straight....

However, after a few round trips to Ashi Ari.My one-year-old second daughter, who was sitting in the back seat, started saying things like, "Ugh...(-_-)" and "Aww...(;-)"I looked behind me and saw him pale and teary-eyed.(My eldest daughter was sleeping in a bombed out W)Wow! Sorry!" and the photo shoot ended in a rush.

I took a breath of clean air at the observatory and drove home slowly.

I want to be able to drive a MT car.

And as for the all-important photos... my driving speed was too subtle and my timing to stop with the hazard on was too fast, so I couldn't get a good shot, so I decided to "leave the kids with me another time and take photos while communicating with them hands-free on my cell phone".

And again I thought.After all, if I could drive a MT car, it would be hundreds of times more fun than paddle shifting.That's what I mean. Actually, a couple of us are going to Fuji Speedway in June to watch a race, and we'll be heading there in a Boxster, so I'm hoping to get a little practice in before then too!


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