I processed my Boxster and Panamera with Google's full-fledged and versatile photo editing app, Snapseed!

Instagram Interesting

It's been almost 2 months since I started Instagram for Porsche. I've been giving it a pace of one or two posts every day.What I find interesting about Instagram is that it can easily transcend nationality and language barriers.Words have nothing to do with the sensitivity to feel that the uploaded photos are wonderful.

In fact, I have received comments from foreign racers on my Instagram, and I have received more "Likes" from foreign racers than from Japanese racers. I have received more comments from foreign racers on my Instagram than from Japanese racers.(I wonder if it's in large part because they're using English for the hashtag)

By the way, my insta is an account.@Mina_PorscheThe following is a list of

Although the number of followers is still small (less than 150), the number of likes on my photos has recently increased to over 100. has increased to over 100 in recent years.

I hope it will grow slowly and gradually at this pace.

I recommend the image processing app "Snapseed"!

When I upload photos to Instagram, I useSnapseed, a full-fledged, multi-functional photo editing application developed by GoogleIt is.

I used to use a different app, but after my husband taught me about it.Snapseed."I only use this one because it's so awesome. It's beyond an image processing app, it's like Photoshop, it's amazing.

And it's free!

The app is rated 3.9, and the reviewer posted this

[Too wonderful!
This is such a great app that I feel like writing a 5 star review. (I feel like a cherrypicker but I'm not💦)
It's the easiest to use and has more features than any other image editing app I've ever used!!!
I recommend it to anyone who wants to do some serious editing (I'm over here) or create stylish photos for Instagram or something!

[It's nothing short of perfect.
Simple and functional. A tool so comprehensive that you may even feel like you are paying nothing for it. It's the best. I have nothing to complain about.

Agreed. So, I would like to show you how to use "Snapseed" and the before-after of image processing.

I took a picture of my Panamera with my iPhone.

This time, as a test, I will try to process this photo, which was previously taken normally with an iPhone.

When you open the "Snapseed" application, you will see several items such as "Portrait" and "Smooth," and when you select one of them, the touch of the image changes automatically.

incidentallyAccentuate."If you choose to do this, it will look like this.

A little brighter? This is still beautiful, but I want to process the image the way I want it, so I click the "Disable" button to return to the screen where I can customize the image.

Then you will see many icons like this.

My main use for this is the image adjustment in the upper left corner.

Press Image Adjustment.

Various image processing items will appear, but the explanation goes like this.

■Brightness・・・・Brightness (luminance) is made brighter or darker.
Contrast: Increases the brightness of an image by making bright areas brighter and dark areas darker, thereby increasing the difference between light and dark areas to make the picture clearer.
■Saturation: Vibrancy of color. The higher the saturation, the more vivid the color.
■Ambiance・・・You can adjust the overall light balance. Useful for backlighting.
■Highlight ... Lighter or darker areas in an image can be made brighter or darker.
■Shadow: Dark areas in an image can be darkened or lightened.
■Color temperature: The color of light is expressed in units of "K (Kelvin)". The smaller the unit, the more red, and the larger the unit, the more blue light "wavelength" is emitted.

These can be easily adjusted by selecting them and sliding your finger left or right on the photo to adjust the values.

When you're done adjusting everything.You have to press the "✓" button in the lower right corner at the end to save the file.Note that the Then, this is what happens.

Let's blur it further.

I'm okay with this.I decided to blur the surroundings a bit this time, so I selected "Lens Blur" from the Tools menu.Then a ● appears in the center of the screen and a circle around it.

I'm going to have to make some adjustments to get a better perimeter around the car.

If you adjust the degree of blurring, it will look like this.

Then, save from Export and you are done. So, there you have it, your first photo.

This is what happens when it is processed.

It is brighter and more beautifully contrasts the navy blue of the Panamera with the surrounding green.

Next → Photos of Boxster GTS and Panamera processed by "Snapseed".

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