Porsche Panamera

Child vomits on Panamera leather seats! Measures to wipe off stains on seats, etc.

Child threw up in car.

As a follow-up to yesterday's blog, my oldest daughter threw up yesterday when we were 10 minutes away from home. It was completely my fault, but I was showing my eldest daughter the iPad since the Wi-Fi was connected in the car, and she got drunk... She usually does not get carsick at all... I am so sorry.

Therefore, I have decided never to take my iPad in the car again in the future.

Child seat in our house

We decided to wash the car seat first, because "what should we do with the seat that our eldest daughter threw up? This is the car seat for my eldest daughter. She has been using this car seat since she turned 3 years old.

It's very convenient because I don't need a big car seat anymore and it doesn't take up much space. I put this seat protector under this junior seat.

This also protects the leather seat since the car seat is not placed directly on top of the leather seat. Also, when my daughter threw up this time, I was glad that this seat kept the vomit from directly hitting the leather seat.

Car seat, let's wash it!

I'm very stupid or lack common sense at times like this...what I thought was "I'm going to wash this car seat straight in the washing machine", so I washed the whole thing in the washing machine.

Well, it's a good thing I was able to wash it safely, but only when I hung it up to dry did I realize that I could remove just the cover...

A large amount of water from the laundry got into this unit.(Entered through a small hole in the center of the body)It took a long time to drain this water out of that little hole. I swung it around so many times that my arms are sore today.

And to my husband.

Seriously! You washed them in the washing machine as they were! His thought process is the same as Hidetaka Kano's. You should have him join Maseki Entertainment.

I was told. It is true that Hidetaka Kano's comments and behavior patterns on TV are portrayed as "natural, silly, and funny," but I sometimes find myself thinking the same things as Hidetaka Kano, and our behavior patterns are so similar that it is hard to laugh at times....

And back to the story, my husband wiped the sheet, but he couldn't get to the little hole in the sheet...

They could not get it off by vacuuming, but they managed to get it off by spraying water with a mist and holding it down with a microfiber cloth to absorb it.

Oh no... when you have kids and they ride in a car with leather seats.

(1) Always lay down a car seat mat.
(2) Wet sheets always available
(iii) Ipads and iPhones are not shown in the car.

I learned that this is an ironclad rule. Well, today is the last day of a three-day weekend. Since it's the last day of a three-day weekend, let's go somewhere in the Panamera Turbo!

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