Porsche Panamera Turbo wheels, why my husband dared to choose 21-inch wheels.

Another simple question.

The wheels on our Panamera Turbo are 21 inches. My husband came home from work yesterday.

Why did you put 21-inch wheels on our Panamera Turbo?"

I asked him casually, and that's when the 30-minute lecture by my husband began, because I know almost nothing about the basic structure of a car.Different size wheels = different size tires."I was surprised to learn that the outer diameter of the tire does not change.

I said, "Well, if you compare a 19-inch tire to a 21-inch tire, the 21-inch tire is obviously larger and makes your legs look longer! I said.

It's an optical illusion. If they changed the size of the tires, they would have to change everything, even the speedometer. That can't be true.

I was treated as if I were a "good person". Well...you're right...if I think about it calmly, you're right.

Panamera Turbo Wheels

Now, back to the wheels, the standard wheels on the Panamera Turbo are 20 inches. Here it is.

Source.Porsche Japan official website "Panamera Turbo Models

This is cool enough. On the other hand, our wheels are21-inch "911 Turbo Design Wheels"but

I went with 21 inches because I thought, "Simply because they have a leg-lengthening effect and are cool from a design standpoint.I thought, "I'm not going to be able to do that. When I told her this, her husband

No, I initially thought 20" would be fine. I changed the wheels to 21 inches, which made them heavier and the tires thinner.It makes the ride less comfortable.From.

Oh, really? My husband continued.

But the sales representative, Mr. H.If you're going to go out and buy a turbo, 21 inches is way cooler!"So I was looking up 21-inch wheels and found "911 Turbo Design Wheels".tanzo wheelSo I chose the 21-inch one because I thought that would be fine.



...uh, let's see.TANZO."What does that mean (-_-)?

Forged wheels" and "cast wheels

The wheel has aForged wheels.andCast wheels.There are two types of manufacturing methods, each of which differs from the other. Forging is a more difficult manufacturing technique, but it results in lighter and stronger wheels.(And it's more expensive, too.)She said that her husband chose 21 wheels because he thought that if they were forged, even if they were 21 inches, they would be light and strong, so the ride would not be that bad.

For more information on forged wheels and cast wheels, please contact us.this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)This is carefully explained in the following section.

I said, "I didn't realize you thought of all that when you were specifying in the configurator." I said.

That's right. I chose the best specifications based on the vast amount of information I had in my head. (I was able to choose the best specifications based on the vast amount of information I had in my head.

My husband replied, proudly. Oh no - he's a geek!

And my husband's brother actually had a 19" Panamera at the dealership.(Stock wheels on a stock Panamera are 19 inches)I drove our Panamera Turbo after test driving the"I have a 21-inch, but it's just as comfortable as a 19-inch.He said.

Cars are so deep. Designers and engineers are really amazing.

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