Porsche Panamera

Last drive in a Porsche Panamera

Last drive in Panamera

Ordered this winter, a 911 Cabriolet. Due to the temporary shutdown of the Porsche factory in Corona, the "I guess the delivery will be delayed a lot.The production of the car is scheduled to start surprisingly early, arriving in Japan in August, and the car is expected to be delivered by mid-September.


Also, with the delivery of the 911 Cabriolet, theFarewell to the Panamera I have at home now.And so it will be. And since I am going home soon to have a baby, and by the time I next return home, my family will have grown by one, and we will no longer be able to drive a four-passenger Panamera as a family, I was recentlyThe family decided to take the Panamera for one last drive in the neighborhood.

Perhaps it's because I've had a series of opportunities to test drive SUVs recently, but when I got in the Panamera, I thought, "I'm going to have a lot of fun.I knew the Panamera was a sports car.The first time I saw this, I thought again, "I'm not going to be able to do that.

The Panamera is generally classified as a luxury sedan and is a very comfortable car, but even so, it is not a luxury sedan.The ground contact with the road surface is strong and the suspension is very firm.When the steering wheel is turned, the car turns as expected with no play, and the brakes are strong and responsive.

We took a few mountain passes on this drive, but my husband and

The Panamera is a sports car. Also, Panamera's passenger seat is very comfortable. It's not so different from the driver's seat. I really wish I could let it go, I wish I could keep it forever.

He said he was sorry to leave.

No change, Porsche.

A couple of days ago, a couple ofWent to test drive a Mercedes-Benz GLS.But after the test drive, my husband

The Mercedes-Benz S-Class used to be called the more luxurious andSmooth as if you were driving on a carpetI had a really nice and moist ride. My previous SL (R129) also had a really nice and moist ride that made me want to drive on the highway in a relaxed manner forever.
When I think about it, the GLS ride was really light....

said that, in comparison, Porsche could be said to be a manufacturer with little change in ride quality.

Of course, from the point of view of the owner of the air-cooled Porsche, the modern Porsche is very light and easy to drive, and the manual transmission is light on the clutch, but still....Porsche's suspension is still amazing.I think.

The interior is cheap for the price, and the lack of any options makes me think, "Seriously? but if you drive it, you'll be like, "Oh, really?That's a lot of money spent on the suspension and other unseen parts of the car.I realize that "the world is a big place," and I guess that hasn't changed since the beginning of time.

I used to drive a 970 Panamera Edition.I have no complaints about the 970, it runs well, and the 971 can't top this!But once we were allowed to test drive the 971, we found that after just a few seconds of starting the car, it was like, "I can't believe I'm going to be able to do this.It is totally different from the previous generation. It really looks like a larger 911 in its entirety!I was thrilled to be able to feel the

I am still impressed by the evolution of both the 911 and the Cayenne every time I test drive them.

I guess these manufacturers are becoming fewer and fewer nowadays. Of course, as I have said many times, there are surprisingly few standard features, and the interiors are not luxurious at all for the price....For those who value the driving aspect of a car, this manufacturer has never failed to meet their expectations.I guess.

I thought about that again when I drove the Panamera for the last time.

Looking back, in 2015, I was allowed to drive my first Porsche (a Panamera) at a dealership and was told "What a completely different car from anything I've ever driven!I was so impressed with the

The picture at that time. I don't have a driving position or a way to hold the steering wheel.

From there, I became fascinated with the Panamera, the Panamera came to my home, I became interested in Porsche, and this blog started...

We will soon say goodbye to the Panamera that started it all.The next time we get a Panamera, it will be long after our children are grown up.I think it will be.

I will miss them, but I hope we can continue to enjoy our Porsche life and car life in our own way.

However, I would like to test drive a Panamera at a dealer once in a while....

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