What is the psychology of a wife who opposes the purchase of a luxury or sports car despite her husband's high income?

My Family's Car Life

Wife opposes purchase of new Lexus car

The other day.'To the wife who objects to me buying a sports or luxury car. Let her feel good about buying one!"I wrote an article about this.

."A 47-year-old husband with an annual income of 12 million yen wants to buy an 8 million yen new Lexus, but his wife is against it.It was an article I found on the Internet called "The World's Most Beautiful People," which described our family's views on the subject.

*Image source.LEXUS RX GALLARY

In that online article, the husband said that the reason he wanted to replace his Lexus was because "I currently drive an older Sienta, but when we go out to dinner, the female employees in the company want to drive the Lexus, Crown, and new Harrier that their subordinates and co-workers drive.I was embarrassed that no one was in my car.So I want to buy a new Lexus," he wrote.

In response to this, our family's view is that "Since he has that much income, I hope his wife will feel good about letting him buy a car.I wrote, "I have received some interesting comments and messages.

Sure, "If the husband is making a lot of money and wants a sports car or something, the wife should feel comfortable letting him buy it," but in this case, the reason for wanting to buy a newBecause I want to look good to my female employees and others around me, or in layman's terms, because I want to be popular.It's called "the thing". I can certainly understand why his wife would object if he told her he was replacing it for such a reason.

And. Well... that's exactly what I was thinking!

I just spoke to my husband about this view.

I agree with you! I, and the people around me, areI buy a Porsche because I really like the car and am genuinely in love with the way it drives and performs.Many people say.
Therefore, buying a car simply because I want to "look good" without knowing the performance of the car is a sensation that I don't quite understand.

He said.

Well, it certainly is. And if you look at it from a different perspective, "I wonder if the fact that the female employee did not drive this husband's car is really just a matter of the car...It seems to me that the "I'm not a good person.

To take it to the extreme, if Masaharu Fukuyama was driving an old Sienta while his colleagues were driving a new Lexus or Harrier, and I had to get a ride in one of them to get to the next dinner location...I would definitely want to drive the Sienta....

Well, this is too extreme an example.

Do you buy a car just to look good?

It's not that there's anything wrong with buying a car as a status symbol, and I'm not a fan of "Wow, that Porsche is so cool!I am honestly happy when a kindergarten mom says to me, "You know what? I think everyone has a little bit of that in them.

But simply by saying, "I want people to think well of me.If my husband wants to buy a new car just because he says "I'm not a car guy"... I'll say "I'm not a car guy" too.What, you don't ride well, but you buy something expensive that costs 8 million yen just because of that?I thought, "Maybe I would disagree with that.

...No, I definitely disagree at least once....

When my husband was discussing the purchase of something expensive, he asked me not only for the price, but also for the "price of the item."Reasons to buyIf it is not satisfactory to the "Mere Old Man," his wife will not be able to feel comfortable with the "Mere Old Man.I think you should get one!It is hard to say.

That's where I wish I could come in and do my best to convince my wife, just like when I give a presentation at work.

The relationship between the couple

Until now, I have not been a "I'm basically not opposed to anything my husband wants to do.However, after receiving opinions from different viewpoints this time, I thought, "That may not necessarily be the right approach every time.

Of course, if you have no reason to disagree, you can push back, but if you feel uncomfortable or think, "That's not quite right.I think this, I think that's not true.It may also be important to be candid and tell them, "I'm sorry, but I don't know.

For example, people who can afford to buy a Porsche are often in a certain position or older in the workplace, so there are many situations where there is no one around to give them a hard time.

That's why as a wife, I think it might be an important role for me to tell my husband what I think is "different" and to make him aware of it. Well, this is not aI guess the same could be said for husbands to wives, not just wives to husbands.

And when I tell them such things, whether they say, "Shut up" or "Surely there is that point of view," is determined by our daily relationship, so I thought again that I would like to make daily communication important.

Wow, married couples are so deep....


Mother of three children, and the owner of the Porsche blog "A Porsche Came to Our House". Until a few years ago, I was not interested in cars at all, but when my husband bought a Porsche, I became...


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  1. inainaibar

    It is nice to meet you and I always enjoy your work.
    I too love cars, especially Porsches, and have always admired them since I was a child.
    I am working hard to get it one day for sure.

    The 47-year-old man in this story is simply not a good negotiator (laughs).
    I understand that wanting to be popular and to be noticed is a pretty big reason to buy a car, and
    I don't think it's asking too much to ask everyone to really understand the car and buy it based on performance or any other reason.
    We do need to strategize a bit more in our negotiations with your wife!

    I am also on the management side in terms of a company, so I am surrounded by many managers and Lexus users.
    Listening to these people, I'm thinking that most Lexus buyers, with the exception of LC, LFA, etc., are not car enthusiasts.
    I don't know much about it. I just feel that if I buy a Lexus for now, I'm sure I'm getting the right one.

    In this sense, I feel that the Porsche car is truly special.
    I don't know a single person around me who drives a Porsche who cares about looking good or looking good.
    It's like everyone loves Porsche and buys it because if it's not a Porsche, it's meaningless.
    That is one of the reasons why I admire Porsche.

    It's been my experience that people who feel this person is vain or proud.
    I generally choose around Lexus or Mercedes (of course I think both are great cars).

    This was a very interesting article.

    • Mina.Mina.

      inainaibar acid
      Nice to meet you and thank you for visiting our blog.

      >The 47-year-old man in this story is simply not a good negotiator (laughs).
      (laughs) Even if I had such feelings, if I just said that, it wouldn't go over very well.
      Even between husband and wife, I still think negotiation and presentation are important ^^^.

      >It's like everyone loves Porsche, and if it's not a Porsche, they buy it because it's meaningless.
      Certainly when it comes to Porsche, many people drive this because they like Porsche and it has to be Porsche.
      Once again, I'm reminded how rare it must be for a manufacturer like this to exist!

      However, I have never driven a Lexus, and I hear that it is a really comfortable car rather than a driving car.
      I wish I could ride it once... ^^..;

      Thank you for your continued support.