Why my husband's annual income has risen and I can buy Porsche | Actually an important wife's stance
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Wedding anniversary of the couple
We couples are ignorant of all anniversaries and events. Also, we don't have much desire for each other, so what do you want for your birthday? When I asked my husband, he usually said, "I don't need anything else". That's why I give away one Porsche T-shirt every year.
And I also said from my husbandWhat do you want for your birthday?When asked, "Hmmm, I don't want anything in particularMy husband said, "That's what it is ...", and he took a nearby inn and went to stay with his family.
We are such a couple, but last week we celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary. It's been nine years since I got married. So farI've forgotten my wedding anniversary several timesThey were two, but this year my husband tweeted like this on Twitter.
"Today is my 9th wedding anniversary. At the beginning of my marriage, I couldn't buy Porsche at all, but I told my wife,'I want to earn this much in the future,' and I clearly remember that my wife also asked me properly. And now that goal is well exceeded. I think it worked because my wife believed in my potential and let me be free. "
Today is the 9th wedding anniversary. At the beginning of my marriage, I couldn't buy Porsche at all, but I told my wife, "I want to have this much annual income in the future," and I clearly remember that my wife also asked me properly. And now that goal is well exceeded. I think it worked because my wife believed in my potential and let me be free.
- Hiro@Porsche came to my house (@boxster_gts) October 14, 2021
"I think it worked because my wife believed in my potential and let me be free."
Ehhh! !! He thought that (゚ д ゚)!
My husband is a person who usually doesn't say such things, so I was very surprised.
Why did you accept the story of her husband's high annual income?
Nine years ago, we never imagined that we would be able to live a life with Porsche in the future. My husband has been saying "Buy Porsche in the futureI was saying, but I don't think it will really happen.
Then, in the space of the voice distribution function of Twitter the other day, my husband looked back on that time and talked about this.
At the beginning of my marriage, my annual income was much lower than I am now, and I could support my family, but when I couldn't buy a Porsche, I said, "I want to have this much annual income in the futureI talked about it.
If you are a wife with a normal feeling, even if you hear such a thing, "What are you talking about like that dream? Look at the reality. Because that's okay, go to bed early and work hard from tomorrow.I don't think I'll ask you seriously.
But there, "Oh, yeah, can I go?I think it was great for me that he accepted the story of my annual income goal without denying it.
Even if you draw a big goalDon't think "it's impossible", "you can achieve it if you make the right effort"I think I've done so far now because the couple's values matched.
I never thought that such a word would come out of my husband's mouth, so at this time I was happy or embarrassed, and I got a pretty strange tension (By the way, here is the missed delivery of the space at that time)
However, I was very happy that my husband thought this way, and I thought that I could do my best for another 10 years with just these words. ... No, is that an overstatement?
When my husband talked about his target annual income"I have to push my husband's back" "I have to believe in my husband's potential"I didn't take it with my head, but I was able to take it very naturally.
There are three main reasons.
One is that my husband saidTalking as if you had achieved that goalBecause it was.
It's not a dream story of "I wish I could be able to do it someday", nor a guts theory of "I'll achieve it by doing it crazy!"Ah, I'm sure my husband can already see the path.It was a speech that felt like.
I have previously published an article titled "The important thing for buying a Porsche is to visualize the process of buying one!In the article ""If you want to make minced meat spaghetti, it is important to imagine the process of making minced meat spaghettiI wrote that.
In the same way, even if my husband's way of speaking at that time was a high goal and there were many challenges, "What do I need to get there and how do I act?I think it was taken naturally because it seemed that I could see.
The second is,"My wife has no disadvantages as her husband works hard toward high goalsBecause I think.
In my sense, my husband may be able to work hard, grow up, earn money, and lead a richer life for his family, but don't bother to go there. There is no reason to pull back.
Of course, in the process, you may come home late, work on Saturdays and Sundays, and you may not be able to play with children ... but there are risks associated with the challenge, and if that happens. In addition, it is sufficient to discuss and resolve each time.
Rather I said "You can leave it as it isIt's a type that makes me feel frustrated when I try to stay there by being comfortable with the current situation and being pampered, so I'd be happy if my husband would work hard to reach higher heights.
I like the environment where I can challenge each other and work hard, not only for my husband but also for friendships. But for those who don't, I think a wife like me is quite annoying and disliked (laughs), so I'm grateful to my husband in many ways.
And the third is "I was seeing my husband steadily stepping up on my sideFrom.
When I met him, my husband had been hiring a senior company for a few years since he started his business. From there, I have seen from the side that they have their own office, move to a large area, gradually increase the number of employees, and raise their annual income.
Because that happened, "This person is the one who realizes what he has decidedI think I was unconsciously feeling it.
So, even if it seems like a tremendous goal, there must have been some kind of unfounded conviction in me, "Oh, I'm sure this person will achieve it."
Future goals
Now my husband is about further goals"I want to be like this" "I want to live like this"He talks well. There may be a handful of such people in the world, but I am vaguely wondering if I can go.
Also, even if the goal changes in the process of going there, it is natural for people to change as they grow up, so I think that is also good.
By the way, my future goal is "When my child grows up and leaves my hand a little, the couple go abroad, change their place of residence every few months, and live in various places.".
I think Europe is mainly good, but in rural towns surrounded by beautiful fields, towns by the sea, places with abundant nature, sometimes in the city, driving with Porsche or chairs on a wooden deck I want to live a relaxed and free life by working while swaying. (I can't learn any language)
So that you can do it,No matter where you go in the world, we will build a mechanism to earn money with just one computer or smartphone and a mechanism to receive money.I think that will be a goal for the time being.
Of course, there will be a lot of effort, self-transformation, and obstacles to overcome, but ... Life is only once, so it's best to choose the one who is as exciting as possible and walk.
Next year is the 10th year of marriage. What kind of stage will you be on next year? It's quite possible that my husband is going ahead and I haven't changed much, but ... let's do our best not to be left behind!
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Congratulations on your wedding anniversary.
Even if it's a slope, it's fun for two people.
I think that my husband is really grateful for the existence of his wife who listens to the story of the car and gets excited.
It may be a rare existence in women.
However, if your wife also likes cars, it means that the number of cars will increase or change (laughs).
I think that you can enjoy the car if you have the responsibility and determination of the management.
After all, the mental burden, pressure, and loneliness of business owners are difficult for others to understand.
Speaking of which, I thought about riding my 4s.
The sun is hot!
This feeling that neither Boxster nor Mercedes had.
If I'm a shishamo, it's already charred!
By the way
Next week, we plan to put up a total of three sheets: Sylpheed, front desk, driver's seat, and passenger seat.
Didn't you both feel it?
Thank you!
Thank you for saying so.
I'm still an inexperienced person, but through various experiences,
I wish I could be a big woman once or twice!
4S, that's right!
When I asked my husband (I haven't been riding much yet ... ^^;)
"I put on the heat insulating film, but I don't think it's so hot," he said.
My husband usually rides air-cooled, so I wonder if he has become accustomed to the heat ^^;
This is my first time commenting.
Like my husband, after independence, I decided to buy Porsche if I exceeded the decided annual income.
This is my first time commenting.
Like my husband, I was talking to my wife who would buy a Porsche if her annual income exceeded the target.
I hope my wife can buy it! I said.
Ten years later, I was finally able to order ^ _ ^
It will be delivered this month at Macan's GTS.
I think that many Porsche owners are 911 when it comes to Porsche, but I would like to become a true Porsche owner in a few years.
I'm looking forward to blogging in the future!
Mr. Shishimaru
Thank you for your comment!
> I hope my wife can buy it! I said.
> Ten years later, I was finally able to order ^ _ ^
It's amazing!
Congratulations on your words! !! !!
Macan GTS, it's really cool!
I will do my best to buy my Porsche too!
Thank you for your continued support.