Hatena Blog now has over 100 readers!
Published: 08.11.2017

thank you
Finally, the blog has over 100 readers. It has been 57 days since the blog was launched. The trigger came from my husband.'If you like the Panamera so much.Why don't you write a blog or something already?"That was what I was told. On a lighter note, I took a Hateb account anyway and started writing about my maniacal Panamera love.
In the beginning, there were only "2" or "5" daily hits, so I dabble in writing.I'd be happy to have about 10 readers...I thought it was about the same.
It's been almost two months since then, and I'm so grateful that 100 people have taken even the slightest interest in my blog and become readers. At the same time, having declared my intention to buy a Panamera with my own money, I can't finish this blog until I achieve my goal.
If you finish before then, you will end up being just a big blabbermouth and a big liar.
I am renewing my commitment today.
All right! Let's go!
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