Categories: My Family's Car Life

Porscheism teaches us what is important in life.

Ambition and turning ideals into reality.

The new Porsche Panamera website had these words.(The site from which the quote was taken has now disappeared for some reason)

"Embrace ambition and make your ideals a reality.Not just single-mindedly following the path you've set out on. Constantly challenging the transformation of possible approaches.By a different method than others.

The key to all of this is courage. Break with all common sense. We stand with an unchanging will.Creating a future yet to be seen.We have the courage to create a new world."

Since then, when I get stuck at work, I see these words.

Of course, the work I do is not as historic and traditional as Porsche's or as big a job for people around the world. The walls I feel are, to the untrained eye, "That's not a wall.Maybe that's what he means. In my situation, it may not be appropriate to think back on this Porsche's words.

But when I see these words, I feel prepared....

We have no time to dwell on such a small thing, and even if we have to start all over again, we are certainly closer to our goal than before, so we just have to keep moving forward.

and can quietly kindle the flame of the heart.

I have my own unique path.

It used to be calledA Porsche is a luxury item."What kind of rich people are going to buy this?"I had only a bad image of the company.(Sorry...)But after meeting my husband, I learned about Porsche, went to see races, and came into contact with Porsche-ism, and now I, myself, am supported by that Porsche-ism.

I used to not believe in fate at all.I have my own path given to me.I've come to think of it as "the way to go. To run away from it is to throw away one's life, and while it may be okay to run away from it at times, in the end, it seems that the only way is to keep walking, on that path.

In the old days, "Why do I always want to choose the hard way? I wonder if I'm a very strong dominatrix...There were times when I seriously worried that I might not be able to make it, but I chose that path, and as a result, I am now in an environment that I am thankful for.

Then, you know, the things that go a little bit wrong, or what's going on around you, those are just the branches and leaves of the tree.I am.Toward my goal.I'm going to take the path that I believe in.All you have to do is walk step by step.These thoughts come to me suddenly when I read this text about the new Panamera.

Porsche is amazing. It really is an amazing company.(I don't know what the point of this article is today.)


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