A Life of Doing What I Want - Why I Write the Porsche Blog

Long time no talk about married couples

Yesterday, the children both went to bed early, which was unusual, so my husband and I talked about life for the first time in a long time. And we were sober.(My husband and I don't drink alcohol.)I forget why that topic came up.

I think everyone who is successful in the world says the same thing: "Why don't you just do what you want to do? They all say, 'Why don't you just do what you want to do?'"

And that's what we talked about... and from there...'These days I'm probably having the most fun I've ever had in my life right now....I think it's because I'm doing what I want to do the most. I think that's because I'm doing what I want to do right now the best I can."It was something like that.

Has life ever been different?

Conversely, my life up to now has seemed like I was doing what I wanted to do, when in fact I wasn't. More than that.To meet the expectations of those around me, to be valued by those around me."I think I was gritting my teeth and struggling to make it to the

I think that is important, but it is not something I "want to do from the bottom of my heart," so I always felt discomfort and bitterness somewhere... I had to push myself to get results and make a desperate effort. Also.He believed that if he worked hard, he could accomplish most things.

Collapse of Values

Such values of mine have recently changed 180 degrees.Sometimes you try and you don't get results."I had been trying as hard as I could at each stage of my career, and I had achieved the results I wanted. When I took the university entrance exam, when I was job hunting, when I just joined the company as a new employee, when I was trying to become a top salesperson... I made every effort I could at each time, and I was able to produce results in my own way.

thereforeIf you work hard, you can accomplish almost anything.The value of "I am a good person," was my source of strength.

However, it has been about 9 years since I started a certain challenge at the age of 27... and all that time, I have worked harder than ever before, and yet, I still could not achieve the results I wanted. Or rather, I could not achieve even 1% of the desired results, and 90% of what I did did not work.

Even unsuccessful comedians sometimes work hard for 10 years before they start to show signs of life."
Even Rakuten and Amazon didn't do well in their first few years.

So, if you don't give up, you will get results. On the contrary, if you are not getting results now, it is because you are not trying hard enough. I pushed myself even harder, got sick, was always sleep deprived no matter how much I slept, got frustrated with childcare, and kept asking myself the same question over and over again, and now nine years have passed.

Notices since the beginning of 2018

Then, this year, I experienced firsthand that the current trends in the field I had been working in had completely changed, and I was confronted with the reality that I would never win if I kept on doing what I was doing. That is when I finallyAhh... we've lost it all."I was able to relax and, in a sense, give up with a sense of clarity and grace.

Maybe there's a way to not give up, but I've done all I can do, and I'm ready to give it up.Deciding not to do something is a more courageous choice for me than doing it.It was.

But in the course of nine years, "I might like and be good at communicating the virtues of what I think is good to as many people as I can."This blog, which I have been doing somewhat as a hobby since last year, naturally connected with this discovery.

I like Porsche and my readership is growing, so I thought I'd give it a serious try around here. Then, in April, I decided to move my blog from Hatake to WordPress and start operating it in earnest.

Feeling a sense of unprecedented sensation on a daily basis.

It's been almost two months since then. This is probably the most fun I've had in my life.That's because I am able to do what I love.Because I have written letters about my favorite Porsche, I can share the joy of being able to help someone else who is thinking about buying a Porsche because of it.

I thought, "This is the most wonderful thing I've ever seen.

Now, I still have to feed my 1-year-old second daughter in the middle of the night, so I must not be sleeping well, but I still wake up before 6:00 am. And refreshed. Okay, as my mind wanders to what I'm going to write about today, I'm flooded with things I want to write about.

This is a feeling I have never had before in my 36 years of living.

The world I have lived in thinking I was "right" is actually very small, and the world is tremendously large. It was also a great realization for me to know through the Porsche blog that there are people who earn a lot of money, have a lot of time to spare, and live richly in a world that I cannot think of in terms of my own values.

Would you be a Porsche salesman?

...I told my husband something like that yesterday.

I mean, why don't you hire me as a Porsche salesman? I think you'd sell a lot of Porsches.

They said.

I'm confident in my ability to sell well...I wasn't interested in Porsche at all until 3 years ago...but I was the top salesperson at my last job for 3 years, so I have the background, and after all, Porsche is a great product.

...and I'm thinking, from now on...I'd like to live a rich life, being honest with myself, being straightforward, and smiling.And. I am now realizing that all experiences are not in vain.

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