What is the main reason why husbands are opposed to their wives buying Porsches?

Let's share our car hobby as a couple.

I often get comments and messages on my blog, and there areI envy that you and your wife can share the car hobby."He often wrote something along the lines of. 'Are the wives of the world really that uninterested in cars?'

...I was not at all interested in cars until about 3 years ago.I don't need a car in my life! I don't see the point of spending money on a car."I thought. I might have been the kind of person who didn't understand in a roundabout way the wives of the public....


to her husbandIs it really that rare to share a car hobby with your wife?"I asked.

I guess that's true - it's rare. I guess there are people who are opposed to buying a Porsche, and there are also many who understand but do not share the same feelings.

And. I see. Certainly my wife's stance is thatOppose→Understand→Share."I think we're at a point where we're just going to have to go through the motions.(Or is there a stance of "not interested at all?")

Why is it opposed?

Why does a husband object to his wife's purchase of a Porsche?

The biggest one is.Money Matters."I think it is. Life is just too much.Men are romantic! Don't tell me what to do with my money! I'm buying a Porsche!If someone said that to me, all the wives in the world would be against it.

Before that, I want you to earn more money so that my wife will have no choice! There is a word in this world, "freedom and responsibility"!

It's like.

But some husbands, who probably earn more than enough money, are not very happy with their wives about the purchase of a Porsche, and some are even opposed to it. Why is that?

The "sales force" issue

My husband had this to say in response.

It is just like a salesman trying to get his wife to agree to buy a Porsche. The person who says, "I don't want it," is finally willing to buy it.

And, "I don't need a Porsche. It's true that if you suddenly explain the advantages of a Porsche to someone who thinks, "I don't need a Porsche," they will just be annoyed. My husband continued

We need to draw up a more strategic and concrete story of the closing process, and then act on it. In other words, sales ability.

He said. That's true.

About the process of my husband's attack on me.this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)I've been writing to my husband, who was not at all interested in cars and had rather negative feelings about them, but he was able to capture me, too.In other words, it took about four years to bring it from "opposition to understanding. Furthermore, it takes about 2 years to go from "understanding to sharing.

I mean, I'm amazed that you were so stubborn and didn't give up (-_-).

Not in my day-to-day work.

That said...I think that many husbands who are opposed to buying a Porsche by their wives also hold positions in their daily work and are capable of doing the job. In a work situation, I am sure that he routinely lays the groundwork, strategically assembles his work, and produces results.

...So why is it so hard to get my wife to OK the Porsche purchase?

that isThey're my relatives, so it's only natural that they would understand."I think it is because of the naivety that

Even though she is my wife, we are strangers by nature. We have different upbringings, different values, and different circumstances and friendships after marriage. ThereforeIt is more natural to start from the premise that "it is natural that you don't understand," rather than "it is natural that you do understand.Rather than stressing the merits of Porsche, I would first have to lisach and hear about my wife's situation.

What kind of image does my wife have of the car in the first place?
What inconveniences or dissatisfactions do you have with your current life?
...Do you like your current car, or are you so dissatisfied with it?

Even if you are satisfied or dissatisfied with your current car, the way you live with it afterwards will be different, and you should understand such a situation and develop a strategy, just like in sales.

...So, I would like to organize and write another article about specific ways to live with it and what is necessary to bring it to the next step of "understanding → empathy".

Come on! Husbands of the world!

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