Categories: My Family's Car Life

When I am given the right of way, I can't thank them in a cool way.

Large Vehicles and Women

When a woman drives a large car, there are some inconveniences. First, in the case of parking lots where you have to take a parking ticket to enter, it is quite difficult to get a parking ticket.The following is a list of the most common problems with the "C" in the "C" column.The Panamera's doors are so thick that in many cases, even if I pulled the car up to the very edge of the mirror, I could not reach the parking ticket. If there was not enough room to open the door, I had to unbuckle my seatbelt, and with my right foot barely touching the brake, I had to lift my hips to get the ticket.

Sometimes I couldn't reach it and had to lean forward to my waist, but the car behind me would say, "I'm sorry.Not too shabby in a big car...They must have thought "-_-" (-_-)

Even though others may think so, if my foot comes off the brake, it is dangerous, so now in such cases, I put the car in parking once and get out of the car to take it.

I want to thank you for being cool.

Also, in the case of large vehicles, I often come across situations where one of us has to wait when passing an oncoming car. It is inconvenient or annoying to thank them in such cases.... If only I could get the horn to sound right, but I fumble andI press the horn, but it doesn't sound, and I often pass them while I'm gunning the steering wheel.(-_-)

On the other hand, if you exert force, you will hear a "BOO!!!! and you will sound like an unpleasant person who is upset that you have been given the right of way.

And after much thought.'You can thank an oncoming car by raising your hand.'There was a time when I thought that I would like to do that. I thought it was very cool to see a madam wearing sunglasses casually and quickly raise her hand, and I wanted to try raising my hand in such a nice way. But when I tried it, I found it surprisingly difficult...

If you take your hands off the handle too far.

I walked through the curtain and said, "Yo! General, are you open?"

If you raise your hand with your wrist on the handle, the movement is too small to be understood. On the other hand, if you open your hand too perpendicularly

Wait! Don't come!

It can be misleading to the other person because it looks like "I'm not sure what you mean. I try to keep my hands firmly aligned, but it looks awkward and strange. I don't know what to now I'm just going to

Bow your head while saying "Thank you very much.

The "oncoming car" is now in a position to "see" the car. This would allow oncoming vehicles to "see" theThey thank you.It should be easy to understand that the Panamera is a beautiful car. However, I feel that I look like a weak and ridiculous driver even though I am driving a beautiful car, the Panamera.

I wonder what everyone is doing...the parking problem, the thank you to oncoming traffic problem. I am searching for a solution these days.


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